Dear Friends,
We at Educare DC are relieved by the decisive verdict from the first trial related to the murder of George Floyd. Although true justice would mean that Mr. Floyd was never murdered or at risk of being murdered, this verdict is a significant point of accountability, coming after hundreds of years of injustice. We hope that this verdict can be a step toward greater accountability, justice, and peace. Our Educare DC community joins with those who denounce injustice, and we commit ourselves to holding each other accountable as we strive for a more humane and just world.
Our relief at this verdict does not reduce our grief and anger with a larger system which continues to oppress and terrorize Black people and other people of color. The violence is daily and constant. Each situation reignites the trauma, and limits our ability to thrive and shine.
It will take sustained pressure at all levels of society to create meaningful, true, and lasting change. There will be moments of individual justice and moments of anger, but it is imperative that the movement continues.
Systems change is core to Educare DC’s mission and vision for a future in which all children – and their families – have equal opportunity to reach their full potential. As an organization, we have committed to working to identify and untangle the ways in which white supremacy inevitably shows up within our organization and our work.
We encourage each of you to commit yourself to action in support of a more just future for all. Some resources for your journey are available in our June 2020 statement here.
In solidarity,
Pyper Davis
President and CEO